Marshawn Lynch scene from The League on FXX
Marshawn Lynch punks the crew of The League and his agent. Apparently Marshawn was shooting a scene for The League and the only day Beast Mode could shoot the scene in LA was his off day on Tuesday. He told his agent he would be in LA to shoot the scene and they sent him a car that would pick him up at his hotel at 10:30 in the morning. When the morning of the shoot came, no one could get a hold of Marshawn...not his agent, not the one. Keep in mind that production was all set up and ready to shoot this one scene with Marshawn and it costs a lot of money for one day of filming for a network show. Executives from The League called Marshawn's agent asking where he was? Would he even show up? The only thing Marshawn's agent could say was I haven't heard from him. Then just as the production was ready to shut down the shoot. Beast Mode's agent called and told The League's producers he had just heard from Marshawn and that Beast Mode was in a car accident on the way to the airport and wouldn't make it to the set. This is what Marshawn told his agent...and his agent had to pass on the bad news. It turns out that Marshawn was messing with his agent...he was NEVER in a car accident and just as the crew was ready to pull the plug on shooting the scene, Marshawn walked on to the set all smiles and ready to shoot his scene. This story was told by the producers on The Rich Eisen show. Beast Mode is one funny dude. He doesn't need to talk to the media...he does all his talking on the field. But when he wants to is so memorable!! He does a brilliant job of marketing himself with very few words, until he has something to say! Here is the clip.